Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The trip to Lansing has been temporarily postponed. Michigan PTSA (Parent/Teacher/Student Association) is heading there on Wednesday with a powerful message for our decision makers. We will be pulling together other options to have our voices heard in Lansing. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to email me at salinepride@gmail.com. Together, as a community, we CAN and WILL make a difference!

Friday, November 27, 2009

We're heading to Lansing!

We are going to Lansing to have our voices heard for the sake of the students of Saline Area Schools! Parents, community members ... ANYONE concerned about education funding is invited to come along and help. If you are unable to travel with us to Lansing, we are encouraging you to write a letter that we can bring along! We want our representatives to KNOW that we are going to be vocal on the issue of continuously cutting K-12 funding!